Black Owned Businesses in Minneapolis, MN

About Bob Directory

Are you looking for black-owned businesses near you? Trying to support black-owned businesses but don’t know where to start? The Bob Directory is here to help. We are the premier online directory of black-owned businesses, making it easy for you to find and support businesses that reflect your values.

We have the best local black-owned businesses in every major city, so we’ve got you covered whether you’re looking for a black-owned restaurant, barber shop, or clothing store. Our easy-to-use search engine makes it simple to find precisely what you’re looking.

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ABout Bob Directory

Bob Directory is the trusted online resource for black-owned businesses. Our platform connects consumers with companies that cater to their specific needs. Our mission is to promote economic empowerment by providing a space for black-owned businesses to showcase their products and services.

Launched in 2022, Bob Directory is a modern online platform by and for black-owned businesses. We believe that black-owned businesses are the backbone of the black community, and we are committed to promoting their products and services. Our easy-to-use platform makes it easy for consumers to find businesses that cater to their needs.

We also produce content to educate and inform readers on their day-to-day business needs. Whether you’re looking for tips on starting your own black-owned business or advice on how to support black-owned businesses in your community, we’ve got you covered.